ZENITH - Analysis
A View as from the
Celestial Sphere

Vessel Risk Profiling Company Scorecards
Solverminds' ZENITH Platform offers Ship Management Companies, Charterers, Ship Owners and Asset Manager an ability to identify ship performance, risks and statistics accurately thus facilitating better-informed management teams' decisions.
Integrating data from different applications within a company's digital ecosystem or even external sources makes Zenith flexible and dynamic.
EDI Management and Validation Rules for Accuracy and Governance are provided

API Based as well as manual data uploading functionality

Dynamic KPI and Measurement criteria

Vessel Risk Profiling
Balanced Scorecard
KPI Reporting

Enhanced information access,
Collaboration and action tracking

Improved Compliance Issue Management (ISM, TMSA, Class,
PSC, flag state)
- Connect with Multiple Data Sources
- Single Dashboard to View KPI results
- Predictive Analytics